Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sydney, Australia

My now international animation is screening this Saturday at 4 pm at A Night of Horror Film Festival in Sydney. It's in a block of animations.

I'm in some good company.

Joshua Long starts the program with "EM". Then they're showing Bill Plympton's "Shut Eye Hotel." And Devi Snively's "Death in Charge." John Lustig has a stop-motion animation "C/O Flap Jackson". Graham Rathlin from the UK has "Little Snaps of Horror". Tom Flynn has his "Soul Mates". Yun Wang screens "Evil Twin." Fernando Huerto has a funny video, "Aim for the Heart" where demonstrates how to kill a vampire. Kyla Ward screens "Bad Reception." Jason Eisener shows his "Treevenge" to round out the set.

Oh, yeah, my "Where Nightmares Feed" is slipped in there somewhere.

Sounds like fun!

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