Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post deadCENTER Thoughts

The deadCenter Film Festival is nearly over. Some features are playing this afternoon as well as the "Best of" short films from the festival.

Before one of the panels on Friday, I sat in the audience and could feel the electricity in the room. The film-making potential in the room was charged up.

It was like being one of the angels in Win Wender's Wings of Desire, listening to all the conversations and thoughts and desires from everyone in the room.

Powerful stuff.

Can we bottle potential? Can we spread it around so everyone benefits from it?

Some of the film-makers will never make a film. Some of the film-makers will stop after a couple of shorts or one-too-expensive-first-feature. Some will plug away because they can't stop. Some will keep going because those around them keep asking for more.

Some may never make a commercially successful film.

But in a room full of potential, you can't tell. All you feel is the power of electricity.


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